Why Digital Garden
Since I found out that traditional blogging wasn’t what I was looking after all, I tried to create a personal knowledge base. Finding Obsidian and how to use it to create posts on my Starlight site was a game changer for my knowledge base. This is when I came across with the concept of digital gardening. Well, I instantly felt that this is what I was doing already with my Microsoft OneNote app for so long. The problem was that my notes where scattered all over the place, in different apps, formats and with so many different topics. In simple words, a digital garden was a way to put all my notes about my hobbies and interests in a proper order and let them grow!
What to expect
- How I built and constantly expand the “brain” of my House with Home Assistant
- My love for music through various playlists
- Various Audio and Home Theater setups
- A.I. generated content using ChatGPT. Mainly for parenting and history relevant posts like History of Rock Music or Dolby Surround - From Home Cinemas to Dolby Atmos. All posts that are partially or fully generated by A.I. have a relevant declaimer and a badge in title.
- My favorite Cooking Recipes
- Daily Knowledge section with daily posts from the web.
- Finance related topics
- And of course how i built this digital garden
Further Reading A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden